

Django, Flutter, Dart, API, HTML, CSS, JavaScript


The Borgia App is a software to help you manage your student association. With it, you can sell products, organize events, keep track of your stocks, etc… It will be your best ally to develop your possibilities for your student association.

On this project I worked on the API, Django backend, current web frontend to add features and a brand new mobile frontend made with Flutter.

The last web frontend and backend is today in test phase. I have developed several features on this application such as Excel exports, the invoice manager, an API, a Grafana visualization tool with Loki and Prometheus and I fix many bugs and errors that arise over time.

I also fully developped the current mobile frontend project. I do this developpement with Flutter (Dart language) framework.

The features are :

Admin features :

User features :

Borgia stat

I you want to learn more, go to the Github repository of the project.

I also realized a new documentation website for the Borgia project.
