Welcome to Borgia's documentation! ================================== | Current Version : 5.2.0 Licence : `GNU GPL v3 `__ | Master branch: |Build Status| | Develop branch: |Build Status| Introduction ============ Borgia is a software to help you manage your student association. With it, you can sell products, organize events, keep track of your stocks, etc… It will be your best ally to develop your possibilities for your student association. Borgia has currently been used by several thousand students for more than 5 years, particularly in `Arts et Métiers `__ campuses. We are actively looking for people to participate in this great adventure, do not hesitate to contact us directly. We have big plans for Borgia (a mobile application, new features, etc.)! Finally, if you have an idea or have noticed a bug, don't hesitate to open an `issue `__ or even a `pull request `__. Installation ============ - Development : `here `__ - Production : `here `__ .. |Build Status| image:: https://github.com/borgia-app/Borgia/actions/workflows/main.yml/badge.svg?branch=master .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Contents: user_guide developer_guide contrib_guide